Salt, Torquay
Previous: Sustainable Park Highlands Estate
Next: Woodlea Estate, Rockbank

Spiire’s Geelong based team are currently engaged for all services by Barwon Water to deliver the SALT project in Torquay. Through this project Barwon Water are seeking to deliver an exemplar regional community, demonstrating its credentials using the One Planet Living accredited community under the Bioregional framework. SALT, with its mix of single homes, medium density homes and community spaces, has a pedestrian oriented layout connecting surrounding communities to local amenities. The design is centred on sustainable water management, sustainable energy production and consumption as well as interventions that encourage community engagement and sustainability awareness as core concepts across all scales of the development.

These including but are not limited to, recycled material selection; education through wayfinding; on site water management; water sensitive planting; medicinal planting, edible planting; community scale composting; all access (DOA); energy efficient building design and rainwater collection and reuse.

The overarching vision is the achievement of an environmentally sensitive design that strongly reflects the local coastal character, references the connection to water and subtly guides users through the site from an orientation and design implementation perspective. Artistic interventions addressing water, environment and heritage are further described in subtle ways through the site and within the entrance and sculptural elements. Of significant importance within the design  of all sculptural elements is reference to the Aboriginal connection to water, the coast and indigenous planting.

Spiire’s Landscape Architecture team have delivered the project from early concepts and schematic design right through to detailed design, documentation and construction which is currently underway.

landscape architecture geelong, one planet living, sustainable playspace

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