Craigieburn West Landscape Character Assessment
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Craigieburn West

Craigieburn West Landscape Character Assessment




Craigieburn West

Spiire were engaged by the VPA to prepare a Landscape Character Assessment for the Craigieburn West Precinct Structure Plan. The purpose of the assessment was to identify key landscape and visual characteristics, significant views within the precinct, and identification of methods to accommodate future development whilst maintaining a high-quality landscape and establishing a strong sense of place.

The Craigieburn West Precinct abuts the western edge of Melbourne’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and is the ‘last piece’ with PSPs already developed for adjacent sites to the north, south and east.  Spiire identified and described landscape characteristics and views within the precinct using a combination of onsite analysis and visual inspection by a Registered Landscape Architect combined with desk top review of data, site contours and aerial photography.

An evaluation of key viewing locations and view lines was undertaken to understand how the visual landscape character is, and will be, viewed and experienced by both current and future residents.

Opportunities and constraints were identified and considered in the development of recommendations along with local case studies to provide examples

of successful retention and incorporation of existing landscape character features into urban development.

A number of objectives were developed to facilitate the retention and preservation of the landscape character of the Craigieburn West Precinct. A series of recommendations were then developed for inclusion in the PSP to provide a means of achieving these objectives.

VPA Feedback:  “Thank you and the team for a quality report provided via a well-run process. We appreciate the high levels of professionalism, responsiveness and technical excellence the team showed throughout the preparation of the report. This was one of our most enjoyable background studies for Craigieburn West, due largely to the high quality work and professional capabilities of you and the team.”   Ben Weiner, Senior Strategic Planner, VPA

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